מרכז ויזנטל מצטט את "מבט לתקשורת פלסטינית"
- מוחה נגד מימון אונסק"ו למגזין ילדים ונוער
מרכז וינזטל מצטט את "מבט לתקשורת פלסטינית"
וקורא לאונסק"ו להפסיק את המימון
למגזין לילדים שהאדיר את היטלר
"אנו קוראים לכם להשעות את החסות של אונסק"ו
ל[מגזין] זייזאפונה ולגנות את ההסתה לשנאה שבו"
איתמר מרכוס ונאן ז'אק זילברדיק
בעקבות פרסום הספר "רמייה: הבגידה בתהליך השלום" של מכון "מבט לתקשורת פלסטינית" אשר חשף האדרה של היטלר במגזין פלסטיני לילדים ונוער, זייזאפונה, היוצא לאור במימון ובחסות הרש"פ, אונסק"ו והממשלה הספרדית (דרך MDG-F), קרא מרכז שמעון ויזנטל לארגון אונסק"ו להפסיק את המימון שלו.
מרכז ויזנטל כתב: "כיצד התאפשר שימוש לרעה בחסותכם, למרות האחריות של משרדכם ברמאללה לבחון את כל הפרויקטים המאושרים על ידי אונסק"ו?"
תגובת אונסק"ו: "תודה על הסבת תשומת ליבנו למידע שדווח על ידי "מבט לתקשורת פלסטינית"... הרשה לי להדגיש שאונסק"ו מתייחס לעניין הזה ברצינות רבה והוא מוקיע ומגנה בחריפות את האמירות אליהן אתה מתייחס... אנו נביא את הנושא לתשומת ליבם של הרשויות הפלסטיניות הנוגעות בדבר..."
מרכז ויזנטל הגדיר את תגובת אונסק"ו: "בלתי הולמת."
להלן כתבה שהתפרסמה באנגלית בעיתון Jerusalem Post על אירועים אלו, ובהמשך לה חלקים מהתכתובת בין מרכז ויזנטל ואונסק"ו, והודעה לעיתונות בנושא מטעם מרכז ויזנטל:
'UNESCO funds Palestinian magazine glorifying Hitler'
by Jordana Horn
Simon Wiesenthal Center asks UN cultural agency to halt its sponsorship of the Palestinian childrens' magazine.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center asked UNESCO's director-general Wednesday to suspend its sponsorship of a Palestinian children's magazine, saying the magazine applauded Hitler for murdering Jews.
According to Palestinian Media Watch, the educational children's magazine, Zayafuna, "includes terms glorifying jihad."
The PMW report references an essay in the magazine by a teenage Palestinian girl. The girl wrote about meeting Adolf Hitler in a dream, who tells her that he killed the Jews "so you would all know that they are a nation who spreads destruction all over the world." In the essay, Hitler tells the child to be patient regarding the suffering of the Palestinians at the hands of the Jews.
In a letter to UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova, Shimon Samuels, the Wiesenthal Center's director for international relations, wrote that the editors of Zayafuna "endorse Adolf Hitler as a role model for Palestinian children," noting that a quarter of the children's submission selected for publication by the magazine "express hatred for Jews and reflect messages transmitted through PA official media."
"Apparently, the magazine's positive messages on coexistence and peace apply to all but Jews and Israelis," Samuels wrote. "Through a young girl, the Holocaust is presented as an act for the benefit of humanity."
The Palestinian Authority's deputy minister of education and its former minister of education are both on the magazine's advisory board, Samuels noted.
UNESCO, Samuels said, has sponsored Zayafuna since August. The Hitler essay ran in the magazine's February 2011 issue.
While Samuels noted the October edition states that "opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily express UNESCO's views," Samuels wrote that this disclaimer was "hardly a fitting response to the discovery of the repugnant Holocaust celebration in the February issue."
Samuels recalled the Simon Wiesenthal Center's suggestion last month "when 'Palestine' was welcomed into UNESCO, that the new member be tested by being held to the declared values of UNESCO."
"Until Zayafuna publicly apologizes for its anti-Semitism, Palestine will have already failed that test," Samuels wrote, and urged UNESCO to demand that PA President Mahmoud Abbas rescind funding for the magazine.
PMW head Itamar Marcus said his organization welcomes the Wiesenthal Center's call to UNESCO to stop funding the magazine Zayafuna.
"UNESCO's continued funding of a hate magazine makes them a participant in the hate promotion it disseminates," Marcus said. "It would be a violation of basic moral principles to fund a Palestinian magazine that glorifies violence and jihad, and presents Hitler as a role model for children.
"The only way, it seems, the Palestinian Authority will ever stop its repeated hate promotion is if there are financial consequences to their hate promotion," Marcus said. "Let us hope that UNESCO takes the morally decent route and stops the funding, and not the politically expedient route of turning away in the face of Palestinian hatred."

להלן חלקים ממכתבו של ד"ר שמעון סמואלס, האחראי על קשרי חוץ במרכז שמעון ויזנטל:
"In a letter to UNESCO Director-General, Irina Bokova, the Simon Wiesenthal Center's Director for International Relations, Dr. Shimon Samuels, expressed astonishment to discover that 'a UNESCO-sponsored and Palestinian Authority (PA)-funded children's monthly magazine expresses reverence for Hitler 'because he murdered the Jews.'
According to the respected Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), the educational magazine, Zayzafuna, ostensibly 'promotes family values, encourages children to read and to participate in building a modern democratic society ...when it comes to portraying Israel and Jews, Zayafuna changes its tone and includes items glorifying Jihad...'
PMW had highlighted an extreme example of Zayafuna's antisemitism in its February 2011 edition: 'an essay by a teenage girl who, in her dream, asks Hitler : 'you are the one who killed the Jews?' Hitler responds : 'Yes. I killed them so you would all know that they are a nation who spreads destruction all over the world'... Samuels asked 'how was it possible that your patronage could be abused despite the Ramallah office's responsibility to vet all projects endorsed by UNESCO?'...
The Center urged that UNESCO, 'under your mandate to vet educational materials for incitement to hatred and violence, demand that PA President Abbas stop all funding of this magazine.'
'Until then, we call on you to suspend UNESCO sponsorship of Zayafuna and to condemn its odious hatemongering,' concluded Samuels."
לחץ כאן לצפייה במכתב המלא.
להלן תגובת אונסק"ו למרכז ויזנטל:
"...thank you for drawing our attention to the information reported by the Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), concerning the educational youth magazine Zayafuna...
Allow me to underscore that UNESCO takes this matter extremely seriously and it cannot but strongly deplore and condemn the statements you are referring to... We will bring this matter to the attention of the concerned Palestinian authorities."
לחץ כאן לצפייה בתגובה המלאה.